Dear ESPN,
After the game is over, let’s revisit correlations.— Joshua Brown (@HigherEdSoc) January 8, 2017
Today was a(nother) day about snow and sports. Richmond, VA has pretty much turned into Hoth, so, other than playing in the frozen snow, we’re pretty well stuck in the house. That worked out pretty well for me this weekend since I got to watch my two favored college basketball teams (#GoDuke #LetsGoVCU) win games yesterday and my favorite pro football team (#GoBigBlue)…lose today. Oh well, can’t win ’em all.
Because today was all about snow and sports, I thought Joshua’s tweet was funny and representative ((And, yes, I realize that the tweet is about UNC winning a basketball game, but, well, again, my #365project and I can do what I want to…)). Well-played, Joshua; you produced today’s tweet of the day.